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58. Lucal Н. М. Arithmetic operations for digital computers using a modified reflected binary code. IRE Transaction on electronic computer, 1959, N 4.

59. L u к aszewicz L. Accumulation of errors- in approximate calculations. Bulletin de Iacaderaie polonaise des sciences, classe I.

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60. M egg it 1. E. Pseudo division and pseudo multiplicatioii proces- -"ses. IBM Journal, 1962, N-4.

61. Merill R. D. Jr. Improving digital computer performance using residue number tiieory. IEEE Transaction on electronic computer, N 2.

62. Metze LA class of binary divisions yielding minimally represented quotients. IRE Transaction on electronic computer. 1962, 1962, N 6.

63. Metze 1., Robertson J. E. Elimination of carry- propagation in digital computers. Information processing. Paris - Miinclien - London, 1960.

64. Nadler M. A metliod of division in dogital computers. Leit-schrift angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 1956, v. 36, N 11-12.

65. N a d 1 e r M. Delem cicslocovynu pocitaci metodou radixu. Stroje na Zpracovani informaci, 1956, Sb. IV.

66. P a w 1 a к Z. An electronic digital computer based on the «-2» system. Bulletin de Iacademie polonaise des sciences, classe 111;

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67. Pawlak Z. Some remarks on a «-2» digital computer. Bulletin de Iacademia polonaise des sciences, classe 111, 1951, N 4.

68. Pawlak Z. The organization of a digital computer based on the «-2» system. Bulletin de Iacademia polonaise des sciences, classe III, 1960, N 5.

69. Pawlak Z., W a к u 1 i с z A. Use of expansions witc a negative basis i-n the arithmometer of a digital computer. Bulletin de Iacademie polonaise des sciences, classe 1, 1957, N 2.

70. R e i t w i e s n e r I. W. The determination of carry propagation length for binary addition. IRE Transaction on electronic computer, I960, N 1. - .

71. S a 11 m a n- P. 1. Reducing computing time for synchronous binary division. IRE Transaction on electronic computer, 1961, N 2.

72. Shapiro H. S. Some remarks on modular arithmetic and parallel computation. Mathematical computers, 1962, v. 16, N 78.

73. Sklansky J. An evaiution of several twosunumand binary adders. IRE Transaction on electronic computer, I960, N 2.

74. Sklansky J. Conditional - sum addition logic IRE Transaction on electronic computer, 1860, N2.

75. Svob-oda A. An algorithm for division. Stroje na zpracovani

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76. S V о b о d a A., V a 1 a с h M. Operatove obvody. Stroje na Zpracovani informaci, 1955, Sb. 111.

77. S V о b о d a A. Rational numerical system of residual classes. Stroje na Zpracovani informaci, 1957, Sb. V.

78. Szabo N. Recent advances in modular arithmetic. Switching theory space technology. Stanford Univ. Press, 1963.

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79. Va-Iach М. Prevod- cisel ze soustavy zbytkovych ttld do polyadicke soustavy zmenoumeritka periodj. Stroje na Zpracovani informaci, 1956. Sb. IV.

80. V a I a с h , M. Vznik kodu a ciselne soustavy zbytkovych trid Stroje na zpracovani informaci, 1955, Sb. III.

81. Winograd S. On the time required to perform addition. Jour nal of ACM. 1965. N 2.

82. Wolf e J. M. Reducing trumcation errors by programming. Com muns of ACM, 196*. N 6,



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